CZ:Proposals/Driverless/Archive 1

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Driverless proposals

Every active proposal must have a driver, somebody who drives it along. Proposals without drivers end up in the "driverless" pile, which is split among several pages (see the box to the right). These proposals can at any time be resurrected if somebody volunteers to adopt it and become its driver. Simply put your name in the driver field of the proposal record, review the rules for drivers, and you're ready to go.

Article task and notification list

Summary: I propose that we start a standardized list of tasks and notifications, which can be part of the metadata template. The list would be by default unexpanded, but would be expandable from within the subpage template. The article and each subpage might have its own task list, but at least we can begin with article lists. Tasks would include items like "Add more wikilinks," and "Expand generally," and notifications would include items like "Article needs to be edited for neutrality" and "Article is controversial, please see talk page." These notices would be generated by standard codes, and all the codes would be easily/instantly available in another collapsible/expandable list. This would serve a similar purpose to WP's various top-of-page notices. Of course, anyone would be able to edit the list--not just what notices are listed with which article, but also what notices are "standard." There should also be support for some "ad hoc" notices as well.
Original proposer: Larry Sanger 08:52, 21 June 2008 (CDT) Next step: Fill in next step
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Fill in target date for next step
Notes: I hope someone will take this on--it seems like a great idea to me. --Larry
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
Start complete proposal

Subpages for watchknow videos

Summary: I propose that the editorial council welcomes the new watchknow project.

In addition we will create a new subpage for videos that explain the concepts behind an article. On default videos that get awarded the price money in watchknow should appear on that subpage of an appropriate article about the topic.

Original proposer: Christian Kleineidam 16:59, 17 June 2008 (CDT) Next step: Discussion
Driver: Christian Kleineidam To be done by: 01.08.2008
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
Start complete proposal

Need a Subpage for Topic Informants

Summary: Topic Informants have been discussed off and on for months but nothing ever seems to be done about it. At Larry's suggestion, I once wrote a long TI about my relations with Robert A. Heinlein. Nothing has ever been done with it, even though I have brought up the topic from time to time, and the information is buried deep within my own user page at [1]. Why shouldn't there be an optional tab called Top. Inform. at the top of the Heinlein page, so that anyone who visits that page can review the info contained therein and then, if it is deemed qualified, put some of it into the article itself? If not, then why bother to have TI pages in the first place?
Original proposer: Hayford Peirce 14:01, 21 May 2008 (CDT)
Next step:
To be done by: 21 June 2008
Notes: I don't have a clue about how to be the Driver, but I would sure appreciate someone else taking up this thankless task!
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
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Create a page for all notable genes in the human genome

Summary: We are interested in creating one page for all notable genes in the human genome. Each stub would be seeded using content which is harvested from publicly available sources. The resulting "Gene Wiki" would be a relatively unique resource compared to popular gene portals used by researchers and students. Given the expected number of created pages (5000-10000), an automated bot would be created/modified to perform the stub creation.
Original proposer: Andrew Su 14:43, 16 April 2008 (CDT) Next step: Fill in next step
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Fill in target date for next step
Notes: The proposal was originally discussed on the forum ([2]), so additional details and context can be found there. The initial driver withdrew this proposal.
Complete proposal

Article Content Request help

Summary: Article Content Request should exist in order for authors to request article assistance on particular topics within a subject. This is not intended to be a request for editorial review, rather, it is a system devised to empower citizens to help out on subjects that they might know about. It is meant to spur activity and input from those who might have knowledge in a discipline.
Original proposer: --Robert W King 14:09, 11 February 2008 (CST) Next step: Community Discussion
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: 14 March 2008
Notes: Theoretical page located at CZ:ACR using template:request.
Complete proposal

Standard naming of biomedical (and other) articles

Summary: Encourage and facilitate usage of the National Library of Medicine's MeSH browser (browser search plugins are available) in order to select canonical terms to be used as titles (when such terms are available). The benefits of this are: 1) reduce the chance of two authors independently writing two articles in parallel on the same content (but with different titles), 2) offer standardized definitions of terms that can be used at the beginning of articles, 3) anticipate common alternative terms that can be set up as redirects when the article is written, 4) facilitate the linking to CZ from other biomedical databases when web 2 arrives. As an example, we have an article titled Concussion of the brain which according to MeSH, might be better titled 'Brain concussion' with a separate page called 'Cerebral concussion' that redirects to this page.
Original proposer: Robert Badgett 00:23, 14 February 2008 (CST) Next step: Vet this proposal to see if worth carrying forward.
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: 3/1/2008
Notes: The previous driver (Robert Badgett) decided to make this proposal part of the style guide for the Health Science workgroup. The creation of such style guides is proposed in CZ:Proposals/Create workgroup style guides.
Complete proposal

Redirection creation bot

Summary: I propose to create a bot that creates some redirects automatically to save users time that they could better use to create new articles instead of creating redirects and to increase the amount of redirects to make it easier for users to find the article they are looking for.
Original proposer: Christian Kleineidam 10:51, 1 March 2008 (CST) Next step: Fill in next step
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Fill in target date for next step
Complete proposal

Citizendium Mobile

Summary: Provide Citizendium pages automatically reformatted for mobile devices.
Original proposer: Graham Proud 12:05, 23 February 2008 Next step: Fill in next step
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Fill in target date for next step
Notes: Perhaps this is a MediaWiki question, and not for Citizendium? An example of how this could work may be seen in Microsoft's SharePoint Server, where the identical content is provided automatically in a layout more suited to small screens.
Complete proposal

Teaming with Young Authors

Summary: Two of the lesser-used Subpage options appear to be the Student Level and Tutorial pages, both seemingly directed at younger readers. The proposal would be to pair subject-matter author/editors with younger (under 18) authors in areas of joint interest for the specific purpose of creating Student Level and Tutorial pages.
Original proposer: Roger Lohmann 21:26, 19 February 2008 (CST) Next step: Community input
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Mar 1
Notes: I don't have time to pursue this right now, but may pick it up later. If someone else is interested in developing a full proposal, have at it. From AC: Oh, Roger, this is a great idea, but I can't take on one more thing just at the moment.
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
Start complete proposal

Should history articles be named with general terms first?

Summary: Should general article names be written as France, history as preferred to History of France or French History? The central points of contention is whether general articles (e.g France, history) should be called History of France or even French history. The idea is that the keyword should be first in an article such as this, with people searching for France in a general search will see a list of articles, e.g:


Original proposer: Denis Cavanagh 11:29, 8 February 2008 (CST) Next step: Fill in next step
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Fill in target date for next step
Notes: This has been discussed before but deserves a fuller debate. I don't really have an opinion on the issue despite the history workgroup handily being my most active one.Denis Cavanagh 11:29, 8 February 2008 (CST)
Complete proposal