File talk:Coal mining.png
Documenting the permission to use this image
(Email received from KGS and University of Kentucky at 11:05 AM PST on 4-29-2009)
Mr. Beychok,
Please see the attached permission letter. Thank you for contacting us about using this graphic!
Mike Lynch
Kentucky Geological Survey
504 Rose Street
228 Mining and Mineral Resources Bldg.
University of Kentucky
Lexington KY 40506-0107
Voice: (859) 257-5500 ext. 128
FAX: (859) 257-1147
[email protected]
(Microsoft document attached to above email)
(Logos of the KGS website and of the University of Kentucky)
April 29, 2009
Milton Beychok
1102 Colony Plaza
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Dear Mr. Beychok,
This is in response to your request to reproduce the ‘coal formation image’, currently available for viewing on the KGS website at this URL:
You have indicated that you wish to use the image in an article about coal mining methods that you plan to write in the Citizendium encyclopedia.
Permission is granted for this use with the understanding that appropriate credit will be given to the Kentucky Geological Survey and to Steve Greb next to the graphic in the Citizendium encyclopedia.
Thank you for your interest in KGS and information on our website.
Mike Lynch
Communications and Technology Transfer
(859) 257-5500 ext. 128
[email protected]
(Email that I sent to KGS and University of Kentucky)
From: mbeychok [1]
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 6:06 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Requesting permission to use a diagram from the KGS website
Mike Lynch:
I am a retired chemical engineer and would like permission to use a diagram from the website of the Kentucky Geological Survey in an article that I plan to write in the Citizendium encyclopedia about coal mining methods. A copy of the diagram is attached below and it was obtained from
Citizendium is a non-profit, free online encyclopedia. Volunteer editors, including university professors and other experts, review all articles before they receive final approval. Unpaid volunteer authors, like myself, must be vetted and approved before they can contribute any articles and authors must use their real names. You may visit the Citizendium at to learn more.
If you would grant us the permission to use the photo as a public educational service, we would be most grateful. We would prefer the photos be released under a Creative Commons (CC) license ( see ), but will gladly accept the terms with which you are most comfortable.
Your photos will be viewable worldwide and will be conspicuously labeled "CC Image :Kentucky Geological Survey " (or any other name that you specify). If at any time in the future you request the diagram's removal, such request will be honored.
Assuming that permission is granted, I will need to receive an email signed by you (or the appropriate person) stating that permission is granted. We are not otherwise allowed to use diagrams. images or photos.
Thanking you for your consideration, I am
Milton Beychok
1102 Colony PlazaV
Newport Beach, CA 92660, USA