User:Craig DeForest
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Dr. Craig DeForest is a solar astrophyicist, currently working at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He has been involved with plasma physics since the age of 15 when he worked at the D3D tokamak facility at General Atomic. He received his Bachelor's Degree, with special departmental commendation, from Reed College in 1989, and his doctorate from Stanford University in 1995. Since then, DeForest has worked closely with space missions to study the Sun, operating the MDI instrument on board the SOHO spacecraft for several years. Scientific discoveries of note include the discovery of propagating waves in the solar corona. DeForest's interests include public outreach of scientific results, and he currently acts as Press Officer for the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society and as press liaison for the Living With A Star program at NASA.