User:Howard C. Berkowitz/EC/TF

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Knowledge management

The task force will work in accordance with Charter Article 32, Point 2, "encourage and supervise development and organization of the Citizendium's content"

In the immediate term, review the Workgroup structure and recommend consolidations, deletions, splits, and new workgroups.

In the moderate term, consider the Workgroup system as a whole. Is it at the right granularity? Should it be used both for #expertise management and #quality marking?

In the long term, evaluate better linkage among content, including but not limited to semantic Web techniques. Look at the issue of external workflow integration.

Expertise management

Charter Article 32, Point 2 states "establish the qualifications for Editors and establish the procedure for promoting Citizens to Editor status, provided that such qualifications and such procedures do not violate any article of this charter.", and Point 3: "coordinate and supervise the Editors and their activities." Accordingly, this Task Force will:

  • will review the procedures and qualifications for Editors, in coordination with the #Knowledge classification task force to develop descriptions of expertise.
  • address whether there might be value in having levels of subject matter experts, style and copy editors, etc. Especially if there is decoupling of the Approval process from Editor status, it will consider whether Editors should first have Author experience, or receive a specific waiver.
  • draft policies for the use of outside reviewers.

Article Policy

Objectivity and neutrality

  • 3.3 Article 19

All articles shall treat their subjects comprehensively, neutrally, and objectively to the greatest degree possible in a well-written narrative, complementing text with other suitable material and media.

Content priorities

While the Charter states that Citizendium is open to all forms of knowledge, this does not mean that the EC cannot prioritize resources applied to them. It may even decide that some articles in a field of knowledge, as opposed to the field itself, have become intractable time sinks and use Cold Storage or equivalent for "cooling off".

Original and other special research

  • 3.4 Article 20

Specialist material—including original research—shall be welcome within limits set by the Editorial Council. Specialist material shall be put into context with background information and non-specialist material.

Naming and transliteration

For more information, see: User: Howard C. Berkowitz/EC/NT.

CZ:Proposals > Naming Conventions for Biographies > Proposal1

Style guides

Quality marking

Article 22 state, "Articles formally judged to be of high quality by editors shall be designated "approved", protected and kept permanently available."