User:Jack Gill
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
John Gill, Nickname Jack Gill. I prefer to use my
nickname Jack Gill in any contributions I make, since
I have used this name from birth. I have a B.S. in
Bio-psychology from Tufts University. M.S. in
Industrial Hygiene from University of Cincinnati. I am
a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) by the American
Board of Industrial Hygiene. I have worked for OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) as an
Industrial Hygiene Compliance Officer out of the
Springfield, MA Area Office for the last 30 years. I
have also undertaken temporary assignments with OSHA
in California, Texas, NY, Washington D.C., and Maine
over the years. I feel competent to comment on topics
on industrial hygiene and some topics in public
As a hobby, I have been a telemark skier since
1984. I have done back-country and wilderness skiing
though out New England, Quebec, the Rocky Mt. states,
and the Canadian Rockies. I feel competent to comment
on telemark and wilderness skiing.