User:Jed Rothwell
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
I am the librarian at This site features a library of papers on cold fusion (the Fleischmann-Pons effect, also known as LENR). It features a library of more than 500 full-text scientific papers and books reprinted with permission from the authors and publishers. The papers are linked to a bibliography of over 3,500 journal papers, news articles and books about cold fusion.
I have edited numerous papers on cold fusion, electrochemistry and chemistry, for conference proceedings and journals. I have translated papers and books on cold fusion from Japanese into English and vice versa. I have written several reviews and critiques of experiments, some of which can be found in the LENR-CANR library.
I worked for 25 years as a programmer and technical writer before devoting full time efforts to
I graduated from Cornell University in 1976 with a BA majoring in Japanese.