User:Stephen Matheson
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Stephen Matheson is associate professor of biology at Calvin College in Grand
Rapids, Michigan. His laboratory research is focused on neuronal cell biology
with an emphasis on developmental biology. Expert on cell biology of neurons,
various cancer cells, stem cells and all aspects of vertebrate embryonic
development. Further scholarly interests and areas of expertise include:
evolutionary biology and its interactions with Christian faith, human
developmental biology, molecular genetics, and all areas of neuroscience.
Ph.D., neuroscience, University of Arizona, 1996. M.S., toxicology,
UMDNJ/Rutgers University, 1990. B.S., cellular and developmental
biology/mathematics, University of Arizona, 1984. Postdoctoral fellow,
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, 1996-2001.
Assistant/associate professor of biology, Calvin College, 2001-present.