Animalier/Related Articles: Difference between revisions

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imported>Derek Hodges
imported>Derek Hodges
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==British animaliers==
==British animaliers==

* {{r|Herbert Dicksee}}
{{r|Herbert Dicksee}}
* {{r|Stanley Berkeley}}
{{r|Stanley Berkeley}}
* {{r|George Earl}}
{{r|George Earl}}
* {{r|Maud Earl}}
{{r|Maud Earl}}
* {{r|Percy Earl}}
{{r|Percy Earl}}
* {{r|Charles Landseer}}
{{r|Charles Landseer}}
* {{r|Thomas Landseer}}
{{r|Thomas Landseer}}
* {{r|John Emms}}
{{r|John Emms}}
* {{r|Charles Burton Barber}}
{{r|Charles Burton Barber}}
* {{r|Arthur Elsley}}
{{r|Arthur Elsley}}
* {{r|Edwin Landseer}}
{{r|Edwin Landseer}}
* {{r|Sartorius}}
* {{r|David Steel}}
{{r|David Steel}}
{{r|Arthur Wardle}}
{{r|Arthur Wardle}}

Revision as of 22:19, 12 June 2008

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Animalier.
See also changes related to Animalier, or pages that link to Animalier or to this page or whose text contains "Animalier".

American animaliers

British animaliers

Dutch animaliers

French animaliers

  • Antoine Louis Barye (1796 - 1875)
  • Thomas Francois Cartier (1879 - 1943) – Sculptor, dogs
  • Charles-Fernand De Condamy [r]: French painter and animalier. (1855-1913) [e]
  • Charles de Penne
  • Pierre Jules Mêne (1810-1877) - Sculptor
  • Christophe Fratin (1801 - 1864) - Sculptor
  • Emmanuel Frémiet (1824-1910) - Sculptor
  • Rosa Bonheur Rosa (Marie Rosalie) Bonheur (1822 - 1899) – Painter, Sculptor
  • Charles Valton (1851 - 1918) - Sculptor