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The General Prologue is Geoffrey Chaucer’s introduction to his famous Middle English work The Canterbury Tales. After his celebration of the return of spring, pilgrim Chaucer reveals his plan to undertake a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket. In the Tabard Inn in Soutwark near London, where he intends to start his journey, he acquaints a party of pilgrims and decides to join them. He gives a vivid description of the party, consisting of representatives of different occupations and social classes. The Tabard’s Host, Harry Bailly, decides to accompany the party and suggests a storytelling contest to pass the time. Pilgrim Chaucer will be the reporter of the pilgrimage and the stories told.


  • The Riverside Chaucer, Third Edition (1987), General Editor Larry D. Benson, Harvard University, Houghton Mufflin Company, Boston. ISBN 0-395-29031-7
  • Cooper, Helen, "The Canterbury Tales", Second Edition (1996), "Oxford Guides to Chaucer", Oxford University Press.. ISBN 0198711557
  • Skeat, Walter W., (1899) "The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer", edited from numerous manuscripts (2nd ed.) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1899). 7 vols.