User:Steven P. Mitchell
I have an Associates in the Liberal Arts, from Somerset County Community College (now Raritan Valley) with an emphasis on U.S. history, political science and English. I studied technology at Baruch College, CUNY receiving a certificate, where in particular I learned about the Internet in the 1980s before it became public. That experience enabled me to work as an engineer in the telecommunications field, when there was a shortage of degreed electrical engineers in the U.S. during the 1990s, building out Internet 1.0. As such, I worked as an electrician, technician, systems engineer, network architect and a senior project manager, for primarily large Wall Street and pharmaceutical firms. One of my achievements was redesigning and upgrading the data center communications infrastructure for the mortgage-backed securities industry build-out initiated by the Clinton Administration in 1996 to expand mortgage availability for the poor, that ultimately culminated in the 2008 global economic crash. I was forcibly retired from the industry by the September 11, 2001 WTC attack in NYC, and its recessionary aftermath. My high school education consisted largely of reading American, English, German and French classics in English, supplemented by my own extensive source material readings of history, philosophy and anthropology, because I was fascinated with the subjects, and my school had limited course offerings. More recently I did undergraduate studies at Stony Brook University, in clinical psychology, anthropology, archaeology, ancient and medieval history, and women's studies. I have about 185 undergraduate credits. In particular, I am interested in the development of human culture, and the impact and influence of material science on human evolution. I have a very broad array of subject matter interests and learning with an underlying fundamental understanding of the physical sciences in that realm. Additionally, I have written several published articles for and and have been editing on Wikipedia for about 15 years.