CZ:Bot status/ExpensiveParserJog/Test results

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Test results provided by Daniel Mietchen (copied from

I just gave another try to running bots (and the category jog bot in particular) on the test wiki, but it did not work out. So I went directly to the live wiki, on which

python -cat:Pages_with_too_many_expensive_parser_function_calls -text:" " -summary:"Test edit:Category jog for Pages with too many expensive parser function calls. Give feedback."

brought Category:Pages with too many expensive parser function calls down from 2179 to 2170 entries in total after manually confirming the edit for the following nine pages:

   * 1993 World Trade Center bombing/Related Articles
   * 2004 Madrid bombings/Related Articles
   * 2009 White House Forum on Health Reform/Related Articles
   * 27th United States Congress/Related Articles
   * 28 Days/Related Articles
   * 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl CoA/Related Articles
   * 4th Infantry Division (U.S.)/Related Articles
   * 7 Seconds/Related Articles
   * Abc (music notation)/Related Articles

As usual for this kind of category jog, the edits do not appear in the article history, nor in the Recent Changes. No problems occurred. With a frequency of about 6 edits per minute, the remaining pages will take about 6h to be cat-jogged, which I am ready to do once I have the go-ahead.

UPDATE: The bot now works fine on the test wiki, presumably as a consequence of its re-sync to the live wiki. More here.