Theater in the round/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Theater in the round.
See also changes related to Theater in the round, or pages that link to Theater in the round or to this page or whose text contains "Theater in the round".


Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Bertolt Brecht [r]: (Feb. 19, 1898 - Aug. 14, 1956) Playwright and theatre theorist known for elucidating the alienation effect and who was persecuted for what was perceived to be a Marxist slant to his plays. [e]
  • Theatre (building) [r]: A structure in which theatrical or dramatic works, often simply called "plays," are performed. [e]
  • Samuel Crowther [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Chiptune [r]: A distinctive style of electronic music which features integrated circuits (chips) capable of producing very simple waveforms as the primary or only instruments. [e]