User:Corina Bucher

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I apply to work with Citizendium concerning the Christopher Columbus site. I’ve been working on this subject for many years, and recently published a book about the discoverer's life and historical background. See link, “Book” : www. christopher-columbus. ch (which contains “Marginalia” to the book; only the German version is currently available).

I am familiar with and have examined all the relevant sources on Columbus, have made additional studies in the primary materials during the last two decades, and took in consideration the exhaustive secondary literature of the late 19th and early 20th century.

I see myself as an author of the German version of the site “Christoph Kolumbus” and as a critical reader of the English, French, Spanish and Italian sites about Columbus. My reading fluency in these languages and deep familiarity with the subject would considerably assist maintaining the quality of content on this complex and engaging topic.


1978 Matura, Typus B, Zurich

1982 – 1989 Study at the University of Zurich: General History, English Literature, History of German language.

1988 Master Thesis (Lizentiatsarbeit) Dept. of History, University of Zurich. Title: Christoph Kolumbus: Mythos und Wirklichkeit. Das Bild des Entdeckers in Geschichtsschreibung und Literatur zur Zeit des deutschen Imperialismus 1892– 1914 (228 pp).

1989 Master of Arts (Lizentiat lic. phil. I) General History, English Literature, History of German language.

2002 – PhD-studies at the University of Zurich with Prof. Dr. Urs Bitterli and Prof. Dr. Bernd Roeck.


2006 Book: Christoph Kolumbus, Korsar und Kreuzfahrer (270 pp), Primus Verlag and Wissenschaftliche Buchgesell- schaft (WBG), Darmstadt, Germany.

Work Experience

1989 – 1990 Documentalist with the Publishers Ringier

1990 – 1991 Reader with the Publishers sabe (Sauerländer Bänziger)

1995 – Berufsschullehrperson o. b. A and Referentin SIU Teacher in Vocational school / Adult Education

Further education

1981 Fähigkeitszeugnis für Primarlehrer (Bacchelor of Education)

1996 Zertifikat SVEB II (Adult Education)

2007/08 – Master of Secondary and Higher Education in History


History, Late Middle Ages