User:Daniel Mietchen/bot-recent

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.


This section lists automated actions that I may perform on a regular basis. If you feel it's been too long since one of them ran the last time, please email me or leave a note on my talk page.

Creating Related Articles on the basis of their Whatlinkshere, with this script.
python -always -start:! -log
Checking the activity status of editors, as per CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0012, with this script.
python -always
Fixing double redirects
python double -always
Removing occurences of Template:Fact (leftovers of imports from Wikipedia)
python "Fact" -remove -namespace:0 -always


This section lists automated actions which I intend to perform in the next few days, sorted by priority. When put here, the code has already been tested in debug mode (i.e. without actually making any edit). If test edits were done, they will be linked from here.


This section lists automated actions which I have performed once or a few times only, with the most recent at the top.

Replacing Vandium by Vanadium (test edits)
python -pt:10 -start:Template:Arg -regex "Vandium" "Vanadium" -summary:"Bot test edit: Replacing ''Vandium'' by ''Vanadium''."
The page move had broken these templates for that element.
Replacing Vandium by Vanadium (test edit)
python -pt:10 -cat:Related_Article_Subpages -regex "Vandium" "Vanadium" -summary:"Bot test edit: Replacing ''Vandium'' by ''Vanadium''."
Meg did the rest manually.
Removing Category:True vipers tag (test edits)
python remove -summary:"Bot test edit for automated removal of [[Category:True vipers]]."
Entered True_vipers at prompt
Removing Category:True vipers - Synonymy tag (test edits)
python remove -summary:"Bot test edit for automated removal of [[Category:True vipers - Synonymy]]."
Entered True_vipers_-_Synonymy at prompt
Removing Category:True vipers - Common names tag (test edits)
python remove -summary:"Bot test edit for automated removal of [[Category:True vipers - Common names]]."
Entered True_vipers_-_Common_names at prompt
Demo test edit — Changing World No. 1 to World No. 1, as per Forum request. List of affected pages.
python -pt:1 -cat:Sports_Content -regex "Catalog of World No. 1 male tennis players" "Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players" -summary:"Bot test edit: Changing [[Catalog of World No. 1 male tennis players|'''World No. 1''']] to [[Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players|'''World No. 1''']]"
For clarity, the summary in this example should perhaps be changed in future runs:
python -pt:1 -cat:Sports_Content -regex "Catalog of World No. 1 male tennis players" "Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players" -summary:"Bot test edit: Changing '''Catalog of World No. 1 male tennis players''' to Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players'''"
This assumes that all affected pages are categorized as Sports Content, but missing cases would remain on the list quoted in point two and could be done one by one.
Antidote test edit:
python -pt:1 -cat:Sports_Content -regex "Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players" "Catalog of World No. 1 male tennis players" -summary:"Bot antidote test edit: Changing '''Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players''' back to '''Catalog of World No. 1 male tennis players'''"
This simple antidote, however, would change all occurences of Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players into Catalog of World No. 1 male tennis players and not just those previously converted by the bot (e.g. also in Pancho Gonzales, which currently links to Tennis/Catalogs/World No. 1 male players.
De-encapsulating subpages template from duplicate noinclude tag
python -pt:1 -cat:Subpages -regex "<noinclude><noinclude>{{subpages}}</noinclude></noinclude>" "<noinclude>{{subpages}}</noinclude>" -summary:"Robot: encapsulating subpages template in simple (not double) noinclude tags" -always
Encapsulating subpages template in noinclude tag
python -pt:1 -cat:Subpages -regex "{{subpages}}" "<noinclude>{{subpages}}</noinclude>" -summary:"Robot: encapsulating subpages template in noinclude tags" -always
Correcting text bits in various categories
python -pt:1 -start:Category:! -regex "due to either \(i\) them not containing any intrawiki links or \(ii\)" "due to either (i) them not being linked from other articles, (ii) them not containing any intrawiki links or (iii)" -summary:"Robot: expanding documentation" -always
Encapsulating subpages template in noinclude tag, per bug report
python -pt:1 -cat:Bot-created_Related_Articles_subpages -regex "{{subpages}}" "<noinclude>{{subpages}}</noinclude>" -summary:"Robot: encapsulating subpages template in noinclude tags" -always
Replacing "all each article" with "all articles", per request
python -pt:2 -start:Category:! -regex "all each article" "all articles" -summary:"Robot: replacing phrase <all each article>" -always
List of edits made
Trying out the bot that checks for functional external links
python -start:! -log
Found thousands of dead ones in first run. Will check back later.
No edit made.
Trying out the cosmetic changes bot.
python -start:Gyr -log
The only test edit