User:Georgeos Díaz-Montexano

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

User:Georgeos Díaz-Montexano

About me

Georgeos Díaz-Montexano in Doñana Park, Huelva, Spain (Tartessian Land) Photo: María Fernández-Valmayor
  • Studes qualifications
  • History and archaeology by the Speleological Society of Cuba (SEC), from Academy of Sciences of Cuba (ACC), in 1990. Professors: Dr. Ercilio Vento Canosa, Dr. Jose Maria Guarch Delmonte; Dr. Manuel Rivero de la Calle, and Dr. Ramon Dacal.
  • Anthropology and paleopatology by the SEC. (1989-1993) Professor: Dr. Ercilio Vento Canosa. One of the maximum scientific authorities in paleopatology and Forense Medicine from Cuba, America and Europe. Actual President of the SEC.
  • In 1992-94, Epigraphy and palaeolingüístical. Professors: Barry Fell, Founder of The Epigraphic Society International (ESI), founded in Harvard University, Michael Skupin (Texas University) and Bill Rudersdorf (Inscription Foundation).
  • National Condecoration “Carlos de la Torre” (in Natural Sciences) by contribution in the field of the speleo-archaeoology. Granted by the SEC and the Dr. Ercilio Vento, in 1991.

Archaeological Practices

  • Excavations in the Native Cemetery of the River Canímar, Matanzas, Cuba; from 1989 to 1991. Academy of Sciences of Cuba (ACC).
  • Excavations in the paleolithical Sanctuary of “Cueva Calero”, Cárdenas. Discovery of the first skeleton of European, previous to Columbus, found in an indigenous cemetery (1988-1989), by the A.C.C. and the S.E.C.
  • Discovery and Direction of the excavations of pre-Columbian Grave of the Cave “El Naranjo” in 1988, by the S.E.C.
  • Project of Exploration and Investigation about Paleocontacts between Old and the New World, from 1987 until 1994, supported by the Sociedad Epigráfica de Cuba, and The Epigraphic Society International, from USA.

From 1994 I live in Spain

  • Direction of the Project of Exploration e Investigation about Epigraphy of the Bronze Age in the Northwest of Iberian Peninsula from 1994 to 1996, and foundation of the "Sociedad Epigráfica de España" (Epigraphic Society of Spain).
  • Direction of the Project of Exploration e Investigation “Atlantis in Iberia and Morocco”, about of the posible archaeological traces of Atlantis in the Iberian Peninsula. From 1994.
  • Foundation of the Magazine of scientific divulgation “Arqueología y Enigmas de la Historia” (1996)
  • Foundation of the Magazine of scientific divulgation “Arqueología sin Fronteras” (1996)
  • Direction and Coordination of the Monographic “Art Rock World-wide: The Stony Message of Our Ancestors” (1997). Editorial "Arqueología sin Fronteras".
  • Foundation of the Magazine of scientific divulgation “ArqueoHistoria” (1997)
  • Foundation of the Magazine of scientific divulgation “La Esfinge: Revista de Egiptología” (1997)
  • Foundation of the Magazine of scientific divulgation “Canaán: Revista de Arqueología Bíblica” (1997)
  • Foundation of the “Hispanic-Egyptian Society of Egyptology” (1997)
  • foundation of the Company “ARQUEOTOUR” (2000)
  • Foundation of the magazines: “Revista de Egiptología: Osiris ", “Enigmas de las Antiguas Civilizaciones” (April, 2000)
  • Foundation of the first List and forum (in Internet) of "Scientific Atlantology, palaleography and the manuscriptal tradition of the Plato's Timaeus and Critias" (August, 2000).

Modern an old languages

  • English: middle level, reading and translation
  • French: level, reading and translation
  • Italian: level, reading and translation
  • Old Egyptian: Good level, reading and translation
  • Phoenician: middle level, reading and translation
  • Greek: Good or expert level, reading and translation
  • Latin: Good or expert level, reading and translation
  • Hitita: Basic level, reading and translation
  • Sumerian: Basic level, reading and translation
  • Minoico-cretense, Good level, reading and translation
  • Libian-bereber (tamazigh, Tunisian, Cabyle, etc), basic level, reading and translation
  • Old Celta (ogamic) Basic level, reading and translation
  • Ibero-tartessian Experimental-basic level in translation (a language not deconding); and expert level in reading and identification.

Computer Sciencie Knowledge

  • Design (photoshop, Quarkxpress, Freehand, Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Page Maker, Corel Draw, 3D, and JavaScript, Flash, Mysql, Php, etc.)
  • Level upper with experience and practice of more than 10 years.
  • In general Good dominion of Internet, programation and design of pages Web, and SEO.

Other data of interest

  • It has distributed multiple conferences on the thematic ones that it dominates. If it is from interest it can credit them (previous request).
  • Monographic articles have asked for him and to be published in the magazines "Beyond Science", "España Desconocida", "Karma 7", "the Museum", "Año Cero", "Planeta Humano", among others…
  • An interview has been made him in the important Spanish Magazine 'Interviú, in nº 1020 (from the 13 to the 19), November of 1995 (pages 62-64) and in other means of diffusion written and televising like the newspaper “Faro de Vigo ", “La voz de Galicia”, “Diario 16” and “Televisión de Galicia”, “Canal TV de Tuy”, “Canal 56 de Burgos”, “Canal 28 de Madrid”, “Canal TV de Valencia”, “Canal Vacaciones de Canal Satélite Digital", “Radio Voz”, “Radio Sensación”, “Alicante Radio”, etc.
  • In 2001 Conference in Departament of Philosophy and Letters from Universidad de Barcelona.
  • In 2004 Conference in Polytecnical Departament from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (17:30 La Atlántida frente a Gibraltar, entre Iberia y África);
  • Current employment
  • Main interests
  • Others

  • Starts:
  • Currently editing: