User:Jonathan Swihart
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
I am a senior at the University of Colorado, Boulder. My area of study is Journalism and Mass Communication with an emphasis in Anthropology. I graduated from J.K. Mullen High School in Englewood, Colorado with honors in 2005. My general interests include musical performance and composition, cartooning, graphic design, and anthropology. My interest in anthropology, which will generally be the topic of my articles, is centered on the remarkable similarities, both genetically and behaviorally, between humans and the Great Apes. I have always found the study of evolution to be fascinating, and the light that modern day apes shed on the subject of HUMAN evolution sparks my curiosity even further. I am especially intrigued by the ability of chimpanzees and gorillas to understand language and symbolic thought, and I think that studying these marvelous animals can only benefit the human animal's quest to discover its origins.