User:Luchezar Iliev Georgiev

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Лъчезар Илиев Георгиев (born June 1959 in Varna, Bulgaria) has built his first electronic music projects — an analogue synthesizer and a valve guitar amplifier at the age of 16. At 17, he has learned the piano for an year and a half. After doing his military service where he built a bell-alarm clock for the unit, he has played keyboards and drums in a few student bands before graduating electronic engineering in 1984. He had worked at the RADAR plant of Varna for 7 years then — in production, as a designer, and then research associate. Since 1990 he has worked as Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department in the Technical University of Varna. He has been writing programs in Assembler since 1982, and in C since 1990. Computer music has become the area for his technical and scientific work since 1992. Married in 1995, with two daughters.